Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Korea airlines

There have been so many challenges in the airline industry lately witnessed in a variety of news stories. Talk of mergers, canceled flights, proverbial lost luggage and higher fuel prices are just a few of the subjects gracing headlines. As a community, let's not miss the "sweet miracle" evidenced in these pictures, which were provided by this soldier's mother-in-law, Carol Wight of Oklahoma City. They were taken yesterday as E-4 Specialist Daniel Lee Jarose arrived home from Iraq. Daniel left for the war when his son, Conner, was just three weeks old. He is eight months old now, and will enjoy an 18-day visit with his daddy before he returns to the Middle East. Daniel is also pictured below with his young bride, Laura.

If you have a picture of your special reunion at Will Rogers World Airport, please send it to We'll do our best to post it on our blog.

Also, remember to tell your friends about the YMCA Military Welcome Center at Will Rogers World Airport.

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